Use of Trading Academy Signals, LLC Telegram Groups/Channels and Website (also denoted in this text as the Website) and the Telegram channels and groups registered in the name of Trading Academy Signals, LLC, also denoted as the TAS Telegram channels/groups, are not and should not by any means be used as financial advisory sites. They are strictly made for educational purposes only. The Forex & CFD signals sent through the TAS Telegram channels/groups should be placed in DEMO accounts only. Anyone who uses our services to engage in speculative trading in a live account does so under his sole responsibility.
The Website and the TAS Telegram channels/groups are the sole property of Trading Academy Signals, LLC, also denoted as the Owner. The Owner hereby waives any obligations arising from the use of this Website and/or the signals software. Use of the Website, the TAS Telegram channels/groups, their content and information is the sole responsibility of the User. The User therefore, relieves the Owner of the Website and the TAS Telegram channels/groups from all liability for damage to his PC and/or any type of mobile device, if applicable, through the use of the Website, the TAS Telegram channels/groups and/or their content and/or the various services offered by Trading Academy Signals, LLC. The User hereby relieves the Owner; the company’s members of the board, directors, shareholders, employees, etc; the Website; the TAS Telegram channels/groups; its affiliates and agents from any liability for loss and/or financial damage as a result from the use of the company’s services.
By accessing the Website and/or the TAS Telegram channels/groups, you explicitly agree to be bound by our Terms of Service, all applicable laws and regulations.

Past Performance

Past performance, displayed in the Results section of both the Website and the TAS Telegram channels/groups, does not provide any guarantee with regard to future performance. In some cases there are sizable differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results achieved by any particular trading software. The possible reasons for such discrepancies include but are not limited to: differing market conditions; possible delays in the reception of signals; sharp changes in financial instruments’ prices in the interval when the signal is received and the actual trade is placed and executed; slippage; differing spreads; cancellation of orders from the broker’s side, etc.
Be fully aware that trading on margin entails high risk and may not be suitable for all investors. For this reason, non-professional customers wishing to use the services offered from Trading Academy Signals, LLC PLC should consult professional financial advisors before proceeding.

Subscription and Payments

Trading Academy Signals, LLC gives you the choice between four different subscription plans: 1-month, 3-month, 1-year and a lifetime subscription; for four different instrument groups: Forex, Indices and Commodities. Customers can combine these subscriptions based on their length and on the instrument groups in any way they deem relevant.

Trading Academy Signals, LLC offers a free trial of its signals in the free Telegram channel. This is a good way to test the quality of our services and decide if you want to get the full package. No credit card is required..

All payment amounts are non-refundable. Even if you decide to cancel your subscription within the first day of your purchase, no funds will be credited back to your account.

Please, note that we do not charge recurring payments, so you do not need to cancel your subscription in order to avoid your subscription to be automatically renewed. We do not have this practice, and we leave it up to you to decide whether you want to subscribe to our services for another period. If we do not receive a payment from you by the last day of your subscription, you will be removed from our VIP channel, and you will stop receiving our premium content..

Technical Malfunction and Outsourcing of Technical Facilities

Please, note that online trading involves many interrelated systems, including software, hardware, power generation, internet, etc., all of which are subject to potential failure or malfunction, which could adversely affect the performance of our services.
The User hereby relieves the Owner; the company’s members of the board, directors, shareholders, employees, etc; the Website, the TAS Telegram channels/groups, its affiliates and agents from any liability for loss and/or financial damage as a result from malfunctioning of the internet, trading platforms, computing systems, software and/or any other technological facility including but not limited to any related components operated directly by Trading Academy Signals, LLC, or totally and/or partially outsourced onto third parties.

Promotional Conditions

Trading Academy Signals, LLC reserves the right to launch promotions and/or more favorable conditions aiming to increase the number of clients. Trading Academy Signals, LLC has the right to extend these promotions to its existing client base. In such cases it is an existing customer who needs to request such an extension. Failure to do so and/or a decision of the Owner not to extend special conditions to existing customers shall not entitle the latter to any sort of compensation.